Themes & Styling

Learn how to customise the look and feel of your team's Kyso deployment

At Kyso, we know that aesthetics matter, especially when working in on-premise installation!

In a default installation of Kyso, no theme is installed. If you want to start your customisation, please download the following file.

Using the Kyso CLI, we can use a little bit of CSS magic! A global administrator can edit the global styles of Kyso. For example, you can add the company's logo, or change the colors to match the corporate identity. Just type in your shell the following commands to get started:

$ kyso theme
Uploads the <zip_file_path> to the given <theme_name> folder replacing its previous contents.

  $ kyso theme COMMAND

  theme add   Uploads the <zip_file_path> to the given <theme_name> folder replacing its
              previous contents.
  theme del   Removes the <theme_name> folder.
  theme get   Downloads the contents of the theme_name folder and stores it on the given
              zip_file or on the file on the current directory if no
              zip_file is provided.
  theme list  List all available themes
  theme set   Set the <theme_name> as default.

The Global Admin will usually be the person who set up the Kyso installation. You can configure this or add more Global Admins in the install scripts.

Last updated