Business Notifications

Communicate events to everyone on Slack or Teams so everyone is kept up to date.

Email Notifications

Kyso is configured by default to send users email notifications for MANY different event actions. As a user, you can configure which events you would like to receive emails for & which not. To do this, go to Settings.

Click on Notifications. Note that you can configure your preferences globally or by Organisation & Channel.

Centralised Communications

As an account admin you can configure to which email Kyso notifications will be sent. Simply head to Settings, go to your Organisation of choice, and to the Notifications tab.

This just means that all Kyso event communications will flow through a specific email address that you specify, instead of going to all users in the Organisation.

Select to Enable Centralised Communications and add the email. Don't forget to hit Save!

Business Comms Notifications

Current limitation: all event notifications are sent to Slack and Teams from Kyso. There is no option (currently) to customise your own communications preferences. This is only possible for email communications.

SlackMicrosoft Teams

Last updated