Permissions System

Learn about Kyso's Enterprise permissions system here!


The following document describes how the permission system works at Kyso, which is highly customisable, in which we can create roles with fine-grained permissions to configure how your users can behave on the platform.

Platform Roles

Kyso has default access controls on deployment. Below is a list of the predefined roles called platform roles. These roles are the most common ones, and are “self-explanatory”. The roles are the following:

  • Platform / Account Admin

  • Organization Admin

  • Channel / Team Admin

  • Channel Contributor

  • Channel Reader

Channels and Teams mean the same thing on Kyso so might be used interchangeably across the public documentation and Git repositories.

Role Access Levels

Table Legend

  • 🎷 -> Only for the entities that the user owns or belongs to (comments, reports, repos, organizations, etc.). That means that users can’t perform these actions in other channels/discussions/reports/etc. in which he/she is not a member of nor owns it.

  • 🔓 -> Only public channels accessed directly with the URL.

Platform Organisational Structure

1. Organizations

An organization is a management unit at Kyso to manage the permissions and the behaviour of users that belong to it. Consider that:

  • Every user belongs to at least one organization

    • Every time a new user is created at Kyso, a new organization “{{username}}’s Workspace” is created (i.e. this is their personal workspace)

  • A user can belong to more than one organization.

2. Channels / Teams

A channel is a management unit at Kyso, to manage the visibility and the behaviour of the users. Consider that:

  • Every user belongs to at least one channel

    • Every time a new user is created, a new channel “{{usernames}}’ Private Team” is created and linked to “{{usernames}}’s Workspace”

  • A user can belong to more than one channel

  • A channel can be:

    • Public: Every user on the company's Kyso account can access that channel.

    • Protected: Only users that belong to the organization that owns the channel can access that channel.

    • Private: Only users with a specific invitation can access that channel

3. Reports

A report is an instance of an imported notebook (Jupyter, etc.) or other file type. All the data, comments, collaboration, etc. is done inside a report. Consider that:

  • Every report belongs to a channel.

Custom Roles

The permission system allows the creation of new roles, with a specific bunch of permissions, in organization and channel scopes.

Contact our Support team for more info on this!

That means:

  • An organization admin can create a new role that is only valid inside its organization

    • Then, the users that belong to that organization can be configured to use:

      • All the Platform Roles

      • The custom roles of that organization

  • A channel admin can create a new role that is only in valid inside its channel.

    • Then the users that belong to that channel can be configured to use:

      • All the Platform Roles

      • The custom roles of the organization that owns the channel (if there is one)

      • The custom roles of that channel

Authorization Hierarchy

└── Platform Roles
    └── Organization Roles
        └── Channel/Team Roles

Last updated